Our company is certified in terms of production control both at the stage of plant growth and during the process of their packaging according to Global Gap v.5.4. Adherence to good agricultural practices (GAP) creates strict hygiene rules, which our workers observe from the moment they arrive in the greenhouse. We are certified according to GRASP General Rules v.1.3 regarding the health, safety and welfare of our employees. We are also a member of the ESSENTIALLY GREEK initiative, which supports the triptych: GREEK OWNERSHIP - GREEK PRODUCTION - GREEK WORKERS.
Regarding corporate social responsibility, we have been awarded the PLATINUM rating from the ETHOS certification.
We are a member of the ESSENTIALLY GREEK initiative, which supports the tripartite GREEK OWNERSHIP - GREEK PRODUCTION - GREEK WORKERS.
Our company is Global Gap v.5.4 certified.
Our company is certified according to GRASP (GLOBALG A P RISC ASSESSMENT ON SOCIAL PRACTICE), GRASP General Rules v.1.3.
Our company has been awarded the PLATINUM rating from the ETHOS Socially Responsible certification.